“Do you know how to fix Widows XP?” a friend recently asked. She was calling me on the phone desperate. She was right in the middle of doing something important when her computer starting acting up. She was getting error messages and she hadn’t a clue of what to do. Unfortunately for her, she made the mistake of trying to reinstall her Windows XP program.
First, she couldn’t find her disks. When she finally found them she put them in before she backed up her system information. Poof! Just like that it was all gone, everything–her programs, files, photos, and that very important business paper she was working on.
I didn’t have the heart to tell her, but she did all of that for nothing. There are much more easier ways she could of done it. The trick is that you have to know how to fix Windows XP. It doesn’t take a scientist to do it but you do have to be diligent about system updates and patient when performing scans. If such a scenario has happened to you, don’t panic. There are some excellent repair software which you can use to repair windows without having to reinstall windows. Such an all-in-one repair kit is Spotmau. You can find a spotmau powersuite 2010 review here.
My friend didn’t know what updates are so she never allowed them to be put on her computer. Always allow updates from Microsoft. These updates install protection against the latest viruses, debug programming errors, and help repair minor problems.
My friend wasn’t bother about sending error reports. She thought it was a waste of time. I used to think that same thing. Until one day my computer completely shut down. The (very expensive) technician that came to my house was quick to inform me that error reports send crucial information to the technical team at Microsoft. They use these reports to figure out what updates are needed. Many minor problems can be solved by simply sending error reports and allowing updates.
Unfortunately for my friend she didn’t do these things. Instead she ignored the problems until they became huge problems. Now she was stuck not knowing how to fix Windows XP.
She was about to call a technician when I suggested that instead, she should try downloading a software package. I brought one after I got tired of giving my hard earned money to a computer repairman. The package I downloaded has everything: scans to look for computer problems and viruses, a performance report, and then it repairs the problems before they turn into huge problems.
Know how to fix Windows XP before you attempt to reinstall Windows. I wish that I had given this advice to my friend before she had lost so much.
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