If you are a dialup user, you may be having some concerns with a slow Internet connections. I’m sure that you have experienced, slow downloads, slow connect, slow to open even the simplest website, and all of the fun things that can go along with dialup. There is an answer to this by taking advantage of a web accelerator.
An Internet accelerator has been designed to speed up the process of downloading images and media over a dialup connection. It does this with a compression technology. The accelerator will actually compress all data and files, which means that your websites will now load a faster rate. This is particularly useful when you visit the same sites repeatedly, because most accelerators have a save feature that allows you to keep something similar to a copy of the website to download faster the very next time you need to access the website.
Below are some of the major benefits that you can have just by using Internet accelerators.
Faster Than Standard Dialup
Due to the compression feature, pc accelerators have the capabilities of pushing your dialup connection to reach its full capacity. Giving you the fastest possible connection over dialup, faster than you ever imagined possible. Some rural areas still don’t have broadband or faster types of Internet connection available therefore, they have no other option than to use dialup. If you must use dialup, why not use get the fastest dialup possible with a web accelerator.
Cheaper Than Other Options
Even if you live in an area with DSL, Cable, or wireless is available, these options can really start to get quite expensive. If you are on a budget and simply cannot afford these broadband connections, dial up with an web accelerator may be the best alternative for you. You can still surf the net for less money than those using cable or DSL and still faster than those using standard dial up without any type of Internet accelerator.
Has Now Become A Standard Dial-Up Feature:
Internet accelerators have become so popoular that many dial up companies are now offering Internet accelerators as part of their standard packages. In some cases, it may be the same price as the dialup package or you may have to pay a small additional fee to get the accelerator, but it definately worth the small fees charged by dial up companies. You can get the most out of your dial up modem, without having to spend an arm and a leg to do it. You can even buy an Internet accelerator seperately and still use your current ISP.
It just makes sense to use web accelerators with your dial up Internet connection. You will love the added speed, the added support, and the added time it gives you. Generally, you have to wait forever for your dial up connection to load your favorite websites, now you can load them in half the time, which mean have the wait. Get started with faster dial up right now.
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