Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony is growing rapidly worldwide, usually within the double-play business model, i.e the provision of broadband internet and telephony together. The benefits of the new technology have literally revolutionized the world of fixed-line telephony and now VoIP is directly threatening all the major traditional telecommunications companies. As the VoIP service integration with data traffic is achieved (ie Internet access and telephony over a single network), the result is- especially for long distance calls – the Internet charges are very low and often below those of local calls. Have you understood how important the benefits are for SMEs which are seeking to cut costs in highly competitive environments? (Particularly for companies that trade overseas). Even in Britain the VoIP phone service has taken its own area code and a program that offers free phones among Internet users has already passed the 50 million users.
Often there is a misconception that Voice over IP means only low rates. In fact, Internet telephony has more to offer. It is here to integrate voice services with the world of IP, the Internet. The potential of businesses and professionals are truly limitless. An example of VoIP services is for example an automated call assistant operator where messages are answered and the message left can be sent to you on email. Also, personal list of phone contacts online and more. For example, the user of VoIP can configure the house phone to ring on his/her mobile. The possibilities are endless and offer unprecedented flexibility in communication.
VoIP telephony is growing rapidly and already many businesses choose it for their communication. Small and medium enterprises, for which both the flexibility and low telecommunication costs are critical factors for survival and effective response to competition, have much to benefit.
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